Yeah, its a selection of tracks from the five solo albums. PCC: So covering a span of 10 years and having certain songs plucked out to be featured, does that give you a different perspective on the music? ENTWISTLE: Yeah, as I think back, I go Wow, where was your brain at there? [Laughs] Its kind of weird, because its dated quite well, I mean, seeing as how quite a few of those songs are 25 years old. I first started in 70, 71. And I think the last solo album was round about 80. PCC: Is there talk of another solo album? ENTWISTLE: Im working on one with my band at the moment. Im really not sure whether its going to be all of the John Entwistle Band or whether I'll put some solo tracks or guest artists. Im not really sure yet. But weve recorded a few tracks so far. We did it before The Who went into rehearsals. And I guess, when The Who wind down again, then ll get straight back in the studio. PCC: Has there been discussion about, once The Who does wind down whether it will pick up again at some point? ENTWISTLE: We have no idea. Were really sort of playing it by ear at the moment. We know weve got this American tour set, but dont know whats happening next year at all. Were making decisions as we go along. PCC: Is it important to you to keep it going? You do have other things on your plate. ENTWISTLE: Well, yeah, I do have the album Im working on. Im trying to finish a book, the first of a trilogy, the funny things that have happened to us. Ive got the artwork. And Ive got my own band. So either way, it doesnt really matter - Ive still got plenty to do. PCC: Youre working on a trilogy you say? ENTWISTLE: I have to write it as a trilogy, otherwise, Ill never finish it. The first one goes from the day I was born to the end of the 67 tour. And the second book will carry on from there and will cover Woodstock and everything. But its sort of tricky to write, because its a funny book and I have to be in a good mood, otherwise, I cant be funny [chuckles]. So its taking a while. PCC: Are the other guys worried about whats included in there? ENTWISTLE: They shouldnt be. Its a funny book. No sex. Were British. PCC: Is the whole experience as much fun as it was when you started out? The whole rock n roll world? ENTWISTLE: Um, were a lot more isolated on the tours now. We used to be like out with the audience, you know? Staying in truck stops and traveling by bus. That, in a way, was a lot more interesting than being isolated and sitting in your hotel room. The whole private plane stuff. I go back into it, anyway, when Im out with my own band. We can travel in two buses with the equipment and the road crew. And I get to meet the audiences after the shows, because Im playing clubs and small theaters. And thats fun. You find out what the audience want to hear. PCC: You like that direct connection. ENTWISTLE: Yeah, I really do. Ive got my own web page. So I do interviews on the web. We get reactions from fans. The fans do their own reviews of the shows. And I guess theyre a lot more realistic than the press reviews. PCC: The nickname Thunderfingers, that came form Roger?
Yeah, I guess from the way I play bass, I make thunder, yeah. PCC: And who gave you the nickname Ox? ENTWISTLE: I think that was Keith Moon, basically because I had the constitution of one. PCC: Any plans to do a book of your artwork? ENTWISTLE: Not at the moment, no. But Ive got an art show coming up in San Francisco, one in L.A., Chicago, Boston. I have four, worked into this tour. Whenever the band gets a day off, I dont. PCC: The visual art, has that complemented the music, in some ways? ENTWISTLE: Yeah. I mean, when I did my last solo album, I really didnt want to write any more songs. And I found when I started writing songs, I spent all my spare time in the studio, writing. And it wasnt exactly relaxing. I wanted to carry on creating and relax at the same time. And the drawing was perfect for that. PCC: Do you also enjoy the fact that its all basically under your control? ENTWISTLE: Well, Ive pretty well got everything under my control now. PCC: That must be a good feeling. ENTWISTLE: Its a great feeling, yeah. You get a little bit more of a helpless feeling with The Who, because youve got two other people that have different opinions. But my own career, I seem to be working the whole year around on one or another project. So I'm a lot busier than I have been for years. PCC: Is the band better able to handle those differing opinions these days than in the past? ENTWISTLE: Uh... yeah, I guess so. We dont really have that much of a difference of opinion. We sorted most of our differences out in the past. The most difficult thing is deciding which songs to do for the encore. [Chuckles] |